Green Mezcal Smash

Green Mezcal Smash

The recipe is for a green mezcal smash cocktail, inspired by a memorable evening at Shoreditch house. The ingredients include cucumber, apple, lime juice, lemon juice, spinach, apple juice (if using a blender), agave, fresh mint, mezcal, ice, and lime slices with salt. To make the cocktail, juice the cucumber, apple, lime, lemon, and spinach. Blend with apple juice if necessary and strain. Mix in agave, mint, mezcal, and

Serves: 2

10 minutes.

Cook time


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  • Cucumber
  • Apple
  • Lime
  • Lemon
  • Spinach
  • Apple juice
  • Agave
  • Fresh mint
  • Mezcal
  • Ice
  • Lime slices
  • Salt

πŸ”„Issy Sedgwick's Suggested Substitutes

Mezcal tequila
Cucumber zucchini
Apple pear
