Ice cream cookie monster

Ice cream cookie monster

This recipe involves making a monstrous ice cream cookie sandwich using vegan ice cream. The caption suggests checking out a specific Instagram account for vegan ice cream recommendations in London, while also recommending a particular cookie shop for creating this delicious treat. The ice cream cookie monster is a delightful and indulgent dessert that combines the creamy sweetness of vegan ice cream with the chewy goodness of cookies for a perfect summer treat.

Serves: 2

The estimated cook time for the recipe is not provided.

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  • Ice cream
  • Cookies

πŸ”„Issy Sedgwick's Suggested Substitutes

Vegan ice cream a dairy-free alternative to traditional ice cream made from plant-based ingredients such as coconut milk, almond milk, or cashew milk.
Cookies baked treats made from a mixture of flour, sugar, butter, and other ingredients, often with added chocolate chips or nuts.
